Monday, October 10, 2011

In the blink of an eye....

Im thinking that in the blink of my eyes, I will be in Japan with my kids and my Grandma.  Time has been going by VERY fast.  Im am ALL ready to go....just waiting for our flight date to get here.  Things have been pretty crazy and busy the last week or so.  I am FINALLY moved out of the apartment......which was a little sad since that was home for so many months.  I am now living with my International Sidekick Keri (AKA my Cousin!!)  It has been great to have her around.  Im going to miss her and her boys SOO much!  We have gotten soo much closer in the last few months.  But, Im also SOO ready to be back with my Husband.  I cannot wait until I get the call saying that he will be back on a certain day.  Im counting down until the day that I was told that he will be back but as a Military know that things ALWAYS change and you cannot think that it will go as planned. 

We have quite a bit planned while my Grandma is in Japan with me.  She is going to be there for a WHOLE month!  Im totally excited and I know that she is too. 

Kadynce has been doing pretty well with her attitudes lately so I am hoping that this stage goes away soon!!!  lol  Bradyn is awake more often and definitely WAY more alert.  He will be crawling soon....and Im soo excited!  He usually just scoots backwards since he hasnt figured out how to go forwards yet....haha.  :)  Im thinking that Kadynce is waiting for her Daddy to get home so she can start talking.  She has her own words that she says and I can only understand a few of them sometimes. 

Im hoping to be able to blog one or two more times before I leave for Japan in a 9 days but only time will tell since there is LOTS going on!!!  :)

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