Saturday, January 29, 2011

3 Years Ago....

I'm hoping to write all of this without crying but I'm sure I wont be able to do it! 

3 years ago tomorrow (January 30th, 2008)  my world was changed!  I married the BEST man in the world!  I married my best friend, my soul-mate, and a man that means everything to me.  I never thought in a million years that I would find someone who filled every hole in my life and MUCH more!  I could not ask for a better Husband!  In the 3 years that we have been married we have lost a baby, we have had a daughter, and now we have a son on the way!  We have had our ups and plenty of downs....but nothing that we haven't been able to overcome.  Right now we are living in separte countries....and as hard as it is, I know that we will make it through this.

To my AMAZING Husband.....I just want you to know that I cant wait until I am in your arms again.  I miss you SO much and I want to thank you for being the BEST Husband that any woman could ask for and for being an AMAZING Daddy to our kids!  You mean the world to us.  Thank you for giving me my babies!!!!  All 3 of them hold a special place in my heart!!  You are my soul mate and my best friend!  I always know that I can count on you no matter what.....even when my emotions are all CRAZY!  ;)   I know that I will be in your arms again.....but that day cant come fast enough!  I miss all of the little things....your silly jokes, your complaints, your hugs, and your kisses!!  I HATE that we have to be apart on our Anniversary.....but I know that you love me and would love to be here with us!  I love you SO much and cant wait to hold you again! 

I love you!  <3

*143 BLTS*

Monday, January 24, 2011


I havent written in here for awhile.  In the last couple of weeks, I have moved from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids and in to an apartment with my Mom.  It is definitely different living with my Mom again, but so far things are going good.  I am missing Bill more and more everyday which sucks but I am getting use to him not here with me.  Im sure that it will get a little easier as time goes by but I HATE being away from him. 

Today we had a tour of the Birthing Center where Bradyn will be born.  My Mom and Grandma went with me.....and we actually learned quite a bit of things.  It is nice to be able to see how things will be different this time around.  Kadynce was born in a Military Hospital so it will be a WAY different experience to have Bradyn in a Civilian Hospital.  Only 13 more weeks and we are hoping he will make his debut!  I CANT WAIT!  Taking the tour today only made me want Bradyn here even more....and Bill!  I wish that Bill could be here for the birth but we are hoping to Skype it (or some of it) so he can see his Son be born!  He is our little Prince and will complete our happy family!!!!  <3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

For my Husband..... :)

So....I have come to realize that I am SO in love with my Husband.  Being away from him has made me realize even more that I love him with all of my heart and more!  He is my soul mate and my world!  He is everything to me!  He is the BEST thing that has EVER happened to me in my life!  He is the most amazing man and I could not ask for a better man to be the Daddy of my kids!  I love seeing him with Lauren and Kadynce.  I cannot wait until Bradyn is born.  Bradyn will be just like his Daddy!!!  I just know it!  :)  Bradyn will bring more joy to our lives but we will now be complete.  We have the perfect family.  Ill be so happy when Bill comes home.  I just want to be in his arms and be able to touch him.  I love all of our time together and will be SO happy to have that time come again.  

Bill Denney-You are my world!!  I want you to know that you are the BEST thing in my life and you are my world!  We will never be apart since you are always in my heart!  I always get butterflies when I get to talk to you and see you on Skype!!  Your voice always makes me feel better no matter what mood I am in.  When I see you, you make my heart are my world!  I cant wait until we are together again!  I love you with all of my heart and more!  

P.S.-I LOVE being your lobster!  :)

143 BLTS


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

is SO ready....

This week has been SO stressful.  My Brother Tim has been in the ICU on ventilators and breathing machines.  He has so far made a FULL recovery.  God was DEFINITELY looking down on us and we are all SO thankful that he is still here with us.  He is now out of the ICU and making progress towards his future.  He has a long ways to go but we are all here supporting him.

Ive been missing my Husband a lot today....he is my WORLD and means SO much to me.  I am still not ready for him to be away from me, even though he has been for a few days already.  I would never have been "ready"!  I think that today has been so hard just because it is his Birthday and we are not together.  Im sure that all of the holidays will be hard for me.  I know that I will make it through all of this but it will not be easy.  It helps that Bill has recorded books for the kids with his voice reading.  It helps me as well so I can hear his voice and know how much he loves and misses the kids.  I am sure that we will have PLENTY of recorded books by the time he gets back! 

Bradyn has been moving SOO much!  Im really happy that this pregnancy has been TOTAL opposite as Kadynce's.  My Dr has decided that if things keep going well then we will induce around 38 or 39 weeks.  I guess only time will tell but I think that things will keep going smooth. 

Im SO ready for the deployment to be over and Bradyn to be here!!  I just want my perfect little family back together so we can grow and be happy together and with each other.  I miss my Husband and I know that Kadynce misses her Daddy!  I almost cried when we were on Skype and she got to see her Daddy.....all she wanted to do was touch his face!  It was SO cute! 

To Bill.....I want you to know that we love you VERY much and miss you BUNCHES!  Im SO glad that you are my Husband and that our kids have been SO lucky to have you as their Daddy!  I cant wait until we are all in your arms again!!!  We love you!  <3